We were delighted to receive a Gold Award from Cranleigh in Bloom for our display of hanging baskets. 
Our small display, not only brightens up the front of our premises, it adds a little to the fantastic efforts throughout Cranleigh to keep our village looking beautiful. 
We are so lucky to live and work in a village where so many wonderful community events take place; through the hard work of dedicated individuals and teams; from litter picking and plant watering, through the Spring into Cranleigh, the Summer Carnival, Cranleigh Show, the Vintage Car Show, our famous November bonfire and the lighting up of the village at Christmas.  
If you add the joy of alfresco breakfast, a full Sunday lunch or drinks with friends, we are spoiled for choice. Combine a meal with live comedy, drama, films and talks at the Art Centre and you have the makings of a great evening.  
Yes! You've got to love Cranleigh! 
The Times They Are A Changing 
In our increasingly secular society, there has been a move away from what could be described as the traditional funeral of a church service led by a Minister, with a cremation or burial before or after. 
Fewer families are choosing to have a minister of religion and services (often of thanksgiving) led by a family member, Civil Celebrant or Humanist have become very popular. 
Your Funeral Director would usually arrange the person officiating at the service on your behalf and, with your permission, pass on your contact details. This enables the humanist or civil celebrant to get in touch and arrange a meeting to discuss the service. 
What is the difference between a Civil Celebrant and a Humanist? 
A civil funeral is: 
“A funeral driven by the wishes beliefs and values of the deceased and their family not by the beliefs and ideology of the person conducting the funeral”. 
Professor Tony Walter, Centre Director of the Centre for Death and Society at Bath University. 
By choosing a civil funeral, families can ensure this final act of love focuses entirely on their loved one. It may be a celebration or reflection of their life. The 
style and tone are appropriate to them whilst being sensitive to the circumstances of their death. 
A civil funeral ceremony is appropriate for either a cremation or burial and, although it is often held in a crematorium or chapel, it can be held at a variety of locations to ensure the setting itself is as personal as the ceremony. 
The ceremony itself may include music, readings, poetry and symbolic gestures such as candles and photographs. Religious or spiritual elements such as prayers and hymns can be included. Or the ceremony can be entirely non-religious. 
Everything is put together with the support of the funeral celebrant to create a ceremony that is respectful, personal and memorable. 
Broadly, the word humanist has come to mean someone who: 
• Trusts to the scientific method when it comes to understanding how the universe works and rejects the idea of the supernatural (and is therefore an atheist or agnostic). 
• Makes their ethical decisions based on reason, empathy, and a concern for human beings and other sentient animals. 
• Believes that, in the absence of an afterlife and any discernible purpose to the universe, human beings can act to give their own lives meaning by seeking happiness in this life and helping others to do the same. 
A humanist service is regarded as a non-religious ceremony; as such there is not usually any religious content in the service. While some humanists may permit the singing of a hymn, there would not normally be any prayers or reading of passages from the bible. 
Humanists and Civil Celebrants will include family members who wish to participate in readings and tributes. Both charge a fee for providing the service they do. This fee is usually paid by the Funeral Director and included in the disbursements of the funeral invoice. 
Ask your Funeral Director about the choices available to you. 
Did you know that Saint Joseph of Arimathea is the Patron Saint of Funeral Directors? 
According to the Gospels Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy merchant and a follower of Christ and he is said to have been an uncle to the Virgin Mary. 
He made his money trading metals, which took him to the northern reaches of the Roman Empire, including the tin mines of Cornwall. 
As an account for some of the 'lost' years between childhood and ministry, it is claimed Joseph took Jesus with him on one of these trips, hence William Blake's Jerusalem: 
"And did those feet in ancient time, 
walk upon England's mountains green? 
and was the Holy Lamb of God, 
on England's pleasant pastures seen?" 
After the crucifixion Joseph asked Pontius Pilate for permission to take Christ's body from the cross at Calvary and prepare him for burial. 
He cleaned Christ's body, anointed it with oils, shrouded it in linen and carried it to a cave tomb he had actually prepared for his own use. 
Joseph of Arimathea took great care of a loved-one after death; in the same way Funeral Directors do now. 
St Joseph of Arimathea shares his Saints Day; 17th March, with Saint Patrick 
A family we were able to recently support brought us a beautiful ceremic heart, on which was written; 
When it rains 
look for rainbows 
when it's dark 
look for 

Woking Crematorium - the first built in Britain 

Cremation in Modern Britain 

In 1866 practical experiments in cremation were made in Italy by Professors Gorini and Polli and in 1873, Professor Brunetti, of Padua detailed the results of his experiments and exhibited a model of his apparatus at the Great Exhibition in Vienna. 
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